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Installing Lapack On Mac Os X

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  1. Installing Lapack On Mac Os X 10.13
  2. Lapack Download Windows
  3. Mac Os X El Capitan
  4. Installing Lapack On Mac Os X 10 13 Download
  5. Installing Lapack On Mac Os X 10.10

The QPtomographer package uses the standard setuptools Pythoninfrastructure, providing a script like most other Python packages.

Installing Lapack On Mac Os X 10.13

Hi, I'm trying to compile numpy for python 3.4 with Intel MKL on Mac OS X. In this process I have solved many problems myself, but I'm stuck on this one. And you will enjoy all the latest LAPACK features if you are using the Reference LAPACK. To do so edit your and for BLASLIB put BLASLIB= -framework accelerate You will just need to do make after that, and all the LAPACK testing will be linked with the Mac OS/X Accelerate Framework. On Ubuntu, such libraries can be made available by installing liblapack-dev. Other Linux distributions typically also offer a way to install Blas and Lapack via its package manager. On Mac OS X, Ipopt's build system should pick up the Blas and Lapack from the Accelerate framework.

It may also be installed, as most other Python packages, using pip.

Though virtually any commercial C/C compiler may be used with SciPy, OS X comes with GNU C compilers pre-installed. The only thing missing is the GNU FORTRAN compiler. We recommend gfortran; this is a free, open source, F95 compiler. We suggest you use the following binaries: gfortran installed.


There are some little things to set up first however.

Prerequisite: Install BLAS/Lapack¶

You need a working installation of BLAS/Lapack. This is provided by default onMac OS X, in which case you don't have to do anything. On Ubuntu, run thecommand:

Prerequisite: Compile SCS¶

You need to compile SCS ≥ 2.0. We make use ofthis great library to calculate the diamond norm distance between two channels.(Unfortunately, it is not enough to install the scs Python package, because weneed SCS's C interface.)

Make sure you have downloaded SCS version 2.0.0 or later.

Download and unpack SCS, say in$HOME/Downloads/, and compile it with specific options set. This can bedone as follows.

First, download the latest version of SCS into your Downloads directory,unpack that archive, and enter that directory. (You may work in a differentdirectory; the following instructions assume you unpacked SCS in the Downloadsdirectory.)

If you are on Mac OS X, compile SCS with the following command:

Otherwise (e.g. on Linux), compile SCS with the following command:


  • CTRLC=0 is needed because we will catch Ctrl+C keystrokes ourselves,and we don't want SCS to interfere with this.

  • We neeed USE_OPENMP=0 because our invokation of SCS is already withinparallel tasks, so we want to avoid double-parallelism which won't speed upanything.

  • Lapack is needed for solving SDPs, so it must be enabled withUSE_LAPACK=1.

    You might have to adjust or specify the necessary flags for linking toBLAS/LAPACK (the variable BLASLDFLAGS=...). On Mac OS X, use'-frameworkAccelerate'; on Ubuntu, install for example openblas anduse '-llapack-lblas'. The defaults might be satisfactory. Try and seewhat works.


Prerequisite: Install tomographer and other Python packages¶

Make sure you have already installed the tomographer package (version ≥ 5.4)along with its prerequisites, as described here.Basically, you should run the following commands depending on whether you areusing anaconda or pip:

All pipinstall commands (e.g. pipinstallSOMEPACKAGE) might have to beprefixed by sudo-H (e.g. sudo-HpipinstallSOMEPACKAGE) if you needadministrator priviledges, or you can use the option --user to install intoa user directory (e.g. pipinstallSOMEPACKAGE--user).

The QPtomographer package also requires qutip. Install it beforeproceeding:

Download and install QPtomographer

Lapack install linux
Installing lapack on mac os x 10 11

There are some little things to set up first however.

Prerequisite: Install BLAS/Lapack¶

You need a working installation of BLAS/Lapack. This is provided by default onMac OS X, in which case you don't have to do anything. On Ubuntu, run thecommand:

Prerequisite: Compile SCS¶

You need to compile SCS ≥ 2.0. We make use ofthis great library to calculate the diamond norm distance between two channels.(Unfortunately, it is not enough to install the scs Python package, because weneed SCS's C interface.)

Make sure you have downloaded SCS version 2.0.0 or later.

Download and unpack SCS, say in$HOME/Downloads/, and compile it with specific options set. This can bedone as follows.

First, download the latest version of SCS into your Downloads directory,unpack that archive, and enter that directory. (You may work in a differentdirectory; the following instructions assume you unpacked SCS in the Downloadsdirectory.)

If you are on Mac OS X, compile SCS with the following command:

Otherwise (e.g. on Linux), compile SCS with the following command:


  • CTRLC=0 is needed because we will catch Ctrl+C keystrokes ourselves,and we don't want SCS to interfere with this.

  • We neeed USE_OPENMP=0 because our invokation of SCS is already withinparallel tasks, so we want to avoid double-parallelism which won't speed upanything.

  • Lapack is needed for solving SDPs, so it must be enabled withUSE_LAPACK=1.

    You might have to adjust or specify the necessary flags for linking toBLAS/LAPACK (the variable BLASLDFLAGS=...). On Mac OS X, use'-frameworkAccelerate'; on Ubuntu, install for example openblas anduse '-llapack-lblas'. The defaults might be satisfactory. Try and seewhat works.

Prerequisite: Install tomographer and other Python packages¶

Make sure you have already installed the tomographer package (version ≥ 5.4)along with its prerequisites, as described here.Basically, you should run the following commands depending on whether you areusing anaconda or pip:

All pipinstall commands (e.g. pipinstallSOMEPACKAGE) might have to beprefixed by sudo-H (e.g. sudo-HpipinstallSOMEPACKAGE) if you needadministrator priviledges, or you can use the option --user to install intoa user directory (e.g. pipinstallSOMEPACKAGE--user).

The QPtomographer package also requires qutip. Install it beforeproceeding:

Download and install QPtomographer

Simplest solution using pip:

The simplest solution to install QPtomographer is using pip. However, youneed to set the environment variable SCS_ROOT to the root directory whereyou downloaded and compiled SCS:

Alternative: Building and installing QPtomographer manually:

You can also install QPtomographer from source. First, obtain the most recentversion of QPtomographer from the releases page.

Lapack Download Windows

Then, after unpacking the archive, run the python setup script:

Mac Os X El Capitan

specifying the path where you compiled SCS using the environment variable SCS_ROOT.

Or, to install as administrator:

Installing Lapack On Mac Os X 10 13 Download


You should use the same compiler as the one you used to compilethe tomographer package.

If you leave the default this shouldn't be a problem.

ppm install Math-Lapack

How to install Math-Lapack

  1. Download and install ActivePerl
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type ppm install Math-Lapack
Perl 5.8Perl 5.10Perl 5.12Perl 5.14Perl 5.16Perl 5.18Perl 5.20Perl 5.22Perl 5.24
Windows (32-bit) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Windows (64-bit) n/a n/a n/a
Mac OS X n/a n/a n/a
0.002 Available View build logDownload ppmx package file
0.001 Available View build logDownload ppmx package file
Linux (x86, 32-bit) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Linux (x86, 64-bit) n/a n/a n/a
0.002 Failed View build log
0.001 Failed View build log
0.002 Failed View build log
0.001 Failed View build log
Solaris (SPARC, 32-bit) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Solaris (SPARC, 64-bit) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Installing Lapack On Mac Os X 10.10

Lastest release

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